What is NFBD?
The internet has allowed entertainment to be extremely accessible. Regardless of your interest or sense of humor, you can find something to spend your time on. One thing became evident with the content being created - Everything was focused on clicks and views. This meant materialistic & artificial vlogs, faked social experiments & pranks, and extreme, polarizing points of view to induce outrage. Those that were good at being entertaining weren't worried about providing any educational value -they didn't need to. The media companies providing education and inspiration weren't entertaining. Where does this leave those looking to be entertained, motivated, and informed? Who could they trust to offer them something to provide smart entertainment?
NFBD was created out of frustration. Founder/CEO, Jordon Rooney, thought of the acronym out of frustration with society. The idea of individualism seemed scarce. The following of mindless trends and negativity inundating those that grew up in the age of the internet became an annoyance. The frustration grew on him until he decided to turn the negative energy into something positive. The acronym would turn into a platform, a "movement", something for similar individuals to rely on to provide the answer to the frustration he felt.
"We needed to figure out how to get people to care before we could expect them to believe in what we are doing." - Jordon